Veris Completes Your CPA Puzzle

Do you feel like you are not getting all you need from your current CPA? That is because most accountants focus on providing you lots of numbers. Do you know what those numbers mean? That is the missing puzzle piece.

Our Veris team provides you with accurate financials, but we go above and beyond the numbers in two ways. First, we provide insight into what those numbers mean. We have the Heart of a Teacher so we take the time to explain the numbers and spreadsheets so you can make knowledgeable financial decisions. Second, we provide PROactive information, not REactive numbers. That means we work with you all year long to plan, predict, and adjust to the changes in your life. With this approach, there are no surprises, and often times, there are savings. What are you waiting for? Isn’t it time you switched to a CPA who completes your puzzle?

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The Proactive CPA


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The Accounting Firm You Have Always Wanted!

As a business owner or individual, you want more than numbers from your accounting firm. You want a firm that “gets you” — that understands you, your situation, your industry and the complexity of the decisions you have to make.

You want more than accurate numbers and someone who will take the headaches away—you want a trusted partner who will help you achieve your dreams and goals and consider you as part of their extended family (not just another client/number).

Welcome to Veris. Our team is proactive and forward-thinking to help solve your accounting pressure points. We offer an array of services to include: Tax and consulting, bookkeepingoutsourced accounting, audit and fiscal management, and more. Connect with us and see why we are More Than Numbers.

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